


  • 公司: 广州初音乐器贸易有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 广州
  • 联系: 雷伟
  • 手机: 15915835058
  • 一键开店

乐器批发~致琴行培训中心广州初音乐器贸易有限公司是近年崛起的一家充满发展前景的新公司。公司着重致力于木吉他行业发展,为广大音乐爱好者提供质优价美的吉他而奋斗。我们通过良好的选材,精湛的工艺,制造完美音色吉他,深得广大琴行老师及学生的青睐。凭着产品超高性价比,售后保障,服务热情赢得了顾客的肯定,创造了双赢。通过不断努力发展、开拓、创新、改进,目前已拥有FIVE、Finks两种自主品牌一百多种款式吉他(款式多样,任君选择)。我们更代理有古筝、小提琴、二胡、笛箫、电子琴、口琴、口风琴等各类乐器配件和各类音乐教材书籍,品种,是琴行和培训老师的合作伙伴。可咨询公司网址详细了解。各位老师、吉他爱好者有意者请联系我(小雷)定竭诚为您服务。电话:微信:aMusical instruments wholesale to instrumental training center. Guangzhou Chu Yin Musical Instrument Training Co., Ltd is a promising new incorporation. Our company is committed to wooden guitar section, and provide guitar with excellent quality and reasonable price. Our products are very popular among musical teachers and students by our elaborative selected specimens, superb craftwork , making perfect tone guitar. By ultra high performance price ratio,after-sale support, warm and thoughtful service, we crests double-wins. Through continuous efforts,exploitation,creation, improvement, our enterprise has already have our self-owned brands-FIVE and Finks (which have over one hundred styles that customers can optionally choose from). What's more, we agent all kinds of musical instrument accessories (such as guzheng, violin, erhu, flute, piano, harmonica, melodica and so on) and music teaching books. In a word, our Chu Yin is the best cooperative partner for instrumental training centers and training teachers. If you want to get more details, you can seek information from our . And dear teachers and guitar fandom , if you are interested in Chu Yin , please contact me(Mr. Lei). Tel: Wechat: a



  • 主营: 吉他生产批发,小提琴,古筝,吉他配件
  • 地址: 广东 广州
  • 联系: 雷伟
  • 手机: 15915835058
  • 本站共被浏览过 1465 次

