


  • 公司: 东莞市华泰货运代理有限公司
  • 地址: 广东 东莞 东莞市东城牛山新锡边润德用品中心3栋1号
  • 联系: 詹朝龙
  • 手机: 15876931203
  • 电话: 0769-22676555
  • 一键开店

东莞市华泰货运代理成立于2005年,注册资金50万人民币。是一家经政府批准的、合法经营具有一般纳税人资格的进出口及货代企业,与各船公司和广州、深圳、香港多家航空公司建立了友好的合作关系,能够随时提供足够的海、空运仓位,保证你物品能够顺畅、及时到达目的地 。 Company Introduction HUATAI IMP.& EXP.CO.,LTD established in 2005. Along with different demands on import & export, as well as international logistics complementary services from new and old customersis a professional enterprise specialized in all-around logistics corporation with internal and external transportation by air and shipping. As an outstanding freight corporation in Shenzhen, we have been approved by the local government and we have lawful business operations. Our company has been well known by overseas and home, we obtained the trust and support from the masses of customers and shipping, airline companies in more effective manner. For the sake of your good’s safety, our motorcade use Global Position System. In order to keep improving service quality and service our customers sincerely, we built up some windows for freight to hold market trend momentarily. 经营理念 “因为专心 所以专业”是我们一贯秉承的不断进取的经营理念,也是我们华泰货运中港专线人赖以生存及发展的基础,我们致力于为您提供快速、准确、、经济、优质的服务。公司注重提高服务质量,增强服务意识,在客户中建立了良好的信誉和服务网络,客户的信任,是我们公司的追求,我们愿与您在互惠互利的基础上真诚合作,愿成为您永远信赖的朋友 Management We firmly believe: Because is wholly absorbed, therefore dedicated; Because dedicated, therefore specialized!We will pay all our efforts to offer the timely, exacts, safety, economy and excellent services, as well as improve our quality and service consciousness in order to set up a good credit and service network. We believe that customers’ faith is our permanent pursuit. And our company sincerely corporate with all partner in different lines based on mutual benefits.



  • 主营: 中港运输,国际海运出口,国际空运出口,国际快递
  • 地址: 广东 东莞 东莞市东城牛山新锡边润德用品中心3栋1号
  • 联系: 詹朝龙
  • 手机: 15876931203
  • 电话: 0769-22676555
  • 本站共被浏览过 569 次

